Venezuela Condemns Argentina Theft Attempt of EMTRASUR Aircraft

January 3, 2024 Hour: 5:27 pm

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela categorically rejected this Wednesday the decision, clearly servile to imperial interests, adopted by Argentine federal judge Federico Villena in relation to the seizure of Venezuelan aircraft belonging to the company Transporte Cargo del Sur (EMTRASUR).

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The Government of Venezuela condemned the attempt to consummate the theft of the Venezuelan aircraft seized since June 2022 in the Republic of Argentina. 

With this illegal decision, the Argentine State submits to the powers of U.S. imperialism and flagrantly violates the Convention on International Civil Aviation, the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, the Charter of the United Nations, as well as the Bilateral Agreement between the Argentine Republic and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and other agreements related to International Air Navigation and Human Rights.

Venezuela has demonstrated, before all international legal and political instances, the legal and legitimate possession of the aforementioned aircraft, dedicated to the transportation of necessities in our region. 

The tweet reads, “Government of Venezuela strongly condemns decision of Argentine federal judge Federico Villena.”

The conduct of plundering, piracy and vassalage of the Argentine justice and government transgresses its own legislation and turns said nation into a serious violator of international legality in commercial and aeronautical matters. 

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela will take all legal, diplomatic and political measures to safeguard its rights.

It alerts the international community, and especially Latin American countries, that any illegal measure that allows the overflight and support to consummate this robbery, will be duly interpreted as a hostile act, supporting vandalism against a sovereign country.

Autor: teleSUR/ OSG

Fuente: teleSUR

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